
Showing posts from November, 2020

The failure of socialist republicanism in the Irish revolution and its aftermath - Part 9

A pro-Treaty poster from the 1922 Free State general election (from History Ireland on  Pinterest ). CONTINUED FROM PREVIOUS POST . Nationalism and socialism As well as warning against the dangers of socialism from a purely Christian perspective, Reverend Michael Phelan, in his article for the Southern Star newspaper, associates socialism strongly with England. At one point, he laments that "The full sewerage from the maxims of Anglicisation is now discharged upon us. The black devil of Socialism, hoof and horns, is amongst us". The Gaelic revival is seen as a way to shore up "the strong hold Christianity has on our people". The writer points to strike-bound Dublin as "the very antithesis of the dream of Gaeldom" and "the living spectacle of the cesspool into which Anglicisation has at last dragged us". He claims that "Gaelicism and Socialism, mutually repel and antagonise each other at every point", and invites the...